Based on everything by you’re saying and the way you’re saying it, I would NOT recommend getting into a relationship right now, especially with this guy. He’s probably a great guy! But the socioeconomic differences, which are normally mot a problem, would be highlighted in the worst way if he found out you were an escort. It would burn him, and he’d feel like he can’t trust women from a different class. Is this fair or just? No, but that’s exactly how this situation would read to him.

How long have you been escorting? It’s extremely hard to balance a relationship, especially at first and especially if you’re keeping that part of your life separate (which I whole-heartedly recommend until you’re more experienced). I have a family and a life outside of this. I keep it all very separate but when I don’t, that’s when issues arise.

I started when I was 19 and am about turn 43. I’m at the highest rate I’ve ever been and have more requests than I can accommodate. I didn’t started really dating until my mid-20s and I was careful about it. I chose to keep things separate until I had more experience with discussing difficult topics with my partners.

It’s tricky but you really need to be protective of your escort identity. Think of your persona as an actual person, one you care about, like a close friend who needs privacy and sensitivity. You would fiercely protect her and do everything you can to keep her safe. Men will get jealous and petty and put your career in danger, sometimes without even realizing it. And it is a career, a black market economy one for sure, but that income stream is REAL. You’ve been broke and you know that. Do not let any person, especially a man you’re giving it to for free, interfere with that.

Maybe keep him as a platonic friend and get super close but tell him you cannot date for now. Make him work for your friendship. Keep him at bay from your moneymaker (aka your pu$$y) until you can REALLY trust him with a sensitive info. This will take at least a year, probably much longer. One or both of you might lose interest by then. But if the butterflies in your stomach are still beating their wings, then maybe tell him about your secret life. Show him the good it’s done for you and how the popular stigma is unfounded and unfair. If you do it in any other order he WILL NOT respect you. He will not be able to separate the you he cares about and the you who is an escort if he’s getting to know about them both at the same time.

Also, it sounds like you’re focused on school right now, which is good. Escorting is great but you don’t want to get trapped by it. I got through a bachelor’s, 2 masters, and a PhD (3 of those degrees at expensive Ivy League schools) because I supported myself at least partially through escorting. The money is real, the freedom is helpful, and the power you have in your life is liberating. Don’t let the fleeting intoxication of a shiny new thing push aside the benefits of sex work. There is more security in this industry (especially if you’re gorgeous AND really good at it) than in your everyday life. Yes, the screening and deposits and advertising and all the other nonsense can get on your nerves but the benefits, especially if you come from a working class background, are unmatched. Do not forget that.

Good luck in school and stay focused. Always keep that as your #1 priority and you’ll stay on track. So many sex workers at every level get sidelined. I still escort part time but have an amazing career and family, all the degrees I need, lots of opportunities in my field, and the option to make that extra tax-free money anytime I want. No man could ever replace that. It took almost 25 years to figure that out.